Badger Light

 I've always had a fondness for that dear old badger from Kenneth Grahams 'Wind in the Willows'. and, I have very much admired his grand Victorian home beneath the earth - nearly always depicted with cosy chairs and a glowing fire. All the niceties of the Victorian era without the stuffiness -I seem to  remember he didn't mind elbows on tables and that was such a relief to me as a child.

The cosiness of his home, I would even go so far as to say, has inspired most of my furniture choices - when I have had the choice . Small tokens and gestures towards creating my imagined version of that safe haven beneath the old oak in the Wild  Wood.

Today I live in the woods myself...which I am so very grateful for. My home is very small- more like Moles than badgers, but the hug that the surrounding countryside gives every time I look out of the window is a blessing I will never take for granted.

Here is another picture from  the Forest lullaby series, that celebrates the blue hours. A Badger at dawn going home with his  lantern.


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